You and Moneywalle establish an agreement based on the terms listed here by using our website. Even if you choose not to click the "I Accept" button, your usage of our services indicates that you accept these terms. Please do not download, install, or use our services from our website if you disagree with any of these terms. This guarantees that our terms and conditions are not inadvertently accepted by you.


You accept the terms and conditions stated in this Agreement by visiting and using our website. This Agreement constitutes a binding legal agreement between Moneywalle, also referred to as the "Company" or "we," and you, also referred to as the "Customer," "You," or "End-User." Your use of our platform and services is governed by the terms of this Agreement. Please take time to carefully read them.


  • Lender: Any financial organization that has a loan-sanctioning agreement with Moneywalle, including banks and non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs). Lenders using our platform are in charge of overseeing, approving, and distributing loans to clients.
  • Business: References: Moneywalle, a duly registered company whose principal office is situated at [Registered Office Address], by the Companies Act of 2013.
  • Client/You/Final User: anybody visits, views, utilizes, stores, or otherwise engages with our platform and its associated services.
  • Credit: The financial assistance that our platform users can receive, is provided by the lender and is disbursed in compliance with the exact terms and conditions outlined in the loan agreement.
  • Loan Contract: A formal written or electronic contract that is properly signed by the lender and the borrower (or customers) and includes a comprehensive explanation of all the terms and circumstances of the loan.
  • Outstanding Sum: The whole amount of the loan, including interest and any associated costs, those borrowers must return within the specified time limits.
  • Website/Platform: refers to the page on our website where users can access our services.
  • Services: The lender uses our platform in all of its ways to distribute, approve, and sanction short-term loans.
  • Independent Platforms: Social networking platforms and online spaces, like Facebook, LinkedIn, and other websites, that are not under the direct management of Moneywalle.
  • User Information: All data that clients have given Moneywalle, both before and after using our services.
  • Web page: The domain name [Website Domain Name], under the management and control of Moneywalle, which facilitates the provision of our services.


Regardless of whether you click the "I Accept" box or not, using our services means you agree to this Agreement. To prevent any inadvertent acceptance of our terms, please do not download, install, or use our services from our website if you disagree with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

  • The lender's role: A vital part of our platform is played by lenders. They are in charge of overseeing the loan application process, approving loans by their standards, and distributing money to customers. The loan agreements contain the exact terms and conditions that govern the offering and distribution of the loans.
  • Client Obligations: It is your duty as a customer to access, use, and engage with our platform using accurate and true information. You are responsible for making sure that all of the information you give Moneywalle is correct and current.
  • Loan Contract: An essential document that lists all of the loan's terms and conditions is the loan agreement.The amount, interest rate, payback period, and any other pertinent details are specified in the agreement.
  • Outstanding Sum: The total amount owed by the borrower, including the principal amount of the loan, interest, and any other associated costs, is referred to as the outstanding amount. Following the payback plan is crucial to avoiding penalties and other fees.
  • Utilizing External Platforms: Moneywalle might communicate with other platforms, such as social media websites. Nevertheless, Moneywalle does not directly oversee these platforms, and as such, we have no control over their policies or content.
  • User Information: Moneywalle gathers and handles user information to deliver our services. We are dedicated to safeguarding your privacy and making sure that your information is handled legally and securely.


Greetings from Moneywalle! You accept the terms and conditions stated in this Agreement by using our services. The rights and duties of Moneywalle and its users are outlined in this document. To comprehend the terms and conditions for utilizing our services, please carefully read it.

  • Eligibility and Registration:- To apply for and utilize Moneywalle's services, you have to fulfil the prerequisites listed on our website. It is critical to understand that, on behalf of the lender, Moneywalle is in charge of obtaining and validating user data, supporting documentation, and any other information required for loan approval. With the lender's consent, the Moneywalle platform securely gathers and keeps this data.
  • You must register with Moneywalle by opening a "User Account" on a selected third-party platform to access and use our services. You will be required to provide personal information on an online form throughout the registration process. Your name, email address, date of birth, phone number, username, password, picture, contact information, mobile phone data (including SMS and browsing history), bank account numbers, PAN cards, customer compliance information, credit reporting information, and other pertinent data may be included in this data. It is your responsibility to make sure that all of your personal information is true, complete, and current.
  • You authorize us to access and retrieve any required data, including personal information, from third-party platforms by using our services. Please be advised that we may occasionally ask these platforms for updates to your data and obtain them as a result.
  • Gathering and Utilizing Data:- Moneywalle always gets your consent in advance to make sure that all transactions we carry out on your behalf precisely follow your instructions. In our business dealings, we don't use any discretion. You permit Moneywalle to obtain credit records from different financial organizations by accepting these terms.After completing and submitting the initial online form with the necessary user data, documents, and information, your Moneywalle application will be assessed and approved. After our document validation procedure is finished, the lender may approve your loan request if you meet the eligibility requirements and agree to the stated terms and conditions.
  • Application and Payment for Loans:- You will need to complete and submit the ECS/NACH authorization form, a check, and any other pertinent papers that the lender requests to speed up the loan application process. Our representatives may gather physical papers that need your signature to process and authorize loans. The loan money will be disbursed once the lender has examined and accepted these documents in compliance with the conditions of the loan agreement. The loan will be disbursed by the guidelines provided on the online application. By the deadlines listed in the application, you must pay back the lender the remaining loan total. Moneywalle maintains the rights to keep an eye on your usage of our services to make sure you’re following through on all of your commitments, especially paying back the loan balance.
  • Compliance and Monitoring:- This monitoring may go on even after you stop using our platform to make sure you complete all of your responsibilities until the remaining balance is paid. It should be noted that Moneywalle retains the right to monitor your activities and payments until the loan is fully returned. Even if you deactivate or discontinue using our services, you are still liable for any outstanding amounts. You acknowledge that everything you do with your user account is entirely your responsibility. Any disputes, claims, or damages resulting from the appropriate or inappropriate use of the services are not covered by Moneywalle's liability policy. You are solely responsible for protecting the privacy of your User Account and any related activities.
  • Requests for Services and Technical Needs:- Without giving a reason, Moneywalle retains the right to approve or refuse your service request. You also understand that for the platform and services to work properly and guarantee successful communication. Moneywalle securely saves the user information you enter at registration so you may use the platform without having to log in again. You expressly give us permission to gather, access, and utilize user and personal data for account updates and authentication by accepting these terms.
  • Privacy and Security of Data:- Moneywalle is dedicated to safeguarding your data's security and privacy. To prevent unauthorized access, use, or disclosure of your information, we implement strong security measures. The collection and processing of your data comply with all relevant laws and regulations. Your personal information is only used by us to deliver our services, enhance user satisfaction, and meet legal requirements. Only to the extent required to enable our services, we may share your data with outside service providers; all such providers are subject to stringent confidentiality agreements.
  • User Accountabilities:- It is your duty as a user to access, use, and engage with our platform with accurate and true information. You are responsible for making sure that all of the information you give Moneywalle is correct and current. Your application may be rejected or your account may be terminated if you provide any inaccurate or misleading information. Maintaining the security of your user account is another duty you have. This entails keeping an eye on any activity on your account and protecting your login information. Moneywalle must be notified right away if you believe there has been any illegal use or access to your account.
  • Updates and Modifications to the Contract:- This Agreement may be changed at any moment by Moneywalle. Any major changes will be communicated to you via email or our website. Your continued use of our services following these notices will be interpreted as your agreement to the updated terms.
  • Details of Contact:- Kindly get in touch with us at [Contact Information] if you have any queries or worries concerning this agreement or our services. We are here to help and make sure you have a good and satisfying experience with Moneywalle.


You must go to our website to utilize Moneywalle's services. You attest that you are of legal age and have the mental capacity to read, comprehend, and abide by these Terms by using our services. Subject to these terms and conditions, Moneywalle provides you with a limited, non-exclusive, non-sub licensable, and revocable license to access and use the website and its services. By using the website, you consent to these terms being followed. The Moneywalle website is accessible and usable on a variety of electronic devices, including tablets, smart phones, and other such gadgets. Although it is not required to, Moneywalle retains the right to offer website upkeep and support at its discretion. Although we will do everything in our power to keep our platform usable and accessible for everyone, we cannot guarantee that support services will always be available.


The following guidelines must be followed when using the Moneywalle platform and services to preserve a polite, safe, and legal environment. All users are guaranteed the security and integrity of our services by following these recommendations.

  • Activities Prohibited:- You promise not to use the Moneywalle platform or services for any illegal or criminal conduct. To be more precise, the following behaviors are forbidden:
  • Exploitation and Reproduction: No portion of this website or its services may be reproduced, duplicated, replicated, sold, resold, or exploited.
  • Controversial Content: Any content that is offensive, vulgar, obscene, defamatory, abusive, harassing, torturous, harmful, threatening, or discriminatory based on another person's race or ethnicity is strictly prohibited from being uploaded, posted, emailed, transmitted, or shared publicly. At Moneywalle, we're dedicated to promoting a polite and professional atmosphere.
  • Unrequested Communications: It is strictly forbidden to use our platform to distribute unsolicited material, including "spam," "junk mail," "chain letters," "pyramid schemes," and other similar forms. One of Moneywalle's guiding principles is the courteous and responsible usage of our services.
  • Adverse Information: Content that contains computer viruses or any other kind of malicious code, files, or programs intended to impede, disable, or disrupt the operation of computer software, hardware, or telecommunications equipment may not be uploaded, posted, emailed, shared, or distributed. To us, maintaining a trustworthy and safe atmosphere is crucial.
  • Breach and Interruptions: It is highly forbidden to take part in any activity that might interfere with regular communication, stop other users from taking part in live discussions, or try to jeopardize the security of the Moneywalle platform or its linked networks. We value keeping the environment safe and tranquil, and we cherish your devotion to these ideals.


When utilizing Moneywalle's platform and services, you must make sure that you do not knowingly or unknowingly break any local, state, federal, or international laws or regulations. If you don't follow these legal requirements, your Moneywalle access can be terminated. We appreciate your commitment to these legal obligations.

  • Disclaimer of Content:- Moneywalle disclaims all responsibility for any content accessed via its services or platform. Data files, text, numerical data, computer code, audio files, images, videos, and other visual elements could all be included in this content. Any content that users upload, post, link to, or otherwise make available on the platform is solely their responsibility. Moneywalle disavows all liability for any injury arising from the use of inaccurate, incomplete, or misleading information. Please be aware that nothing on the platform should be construed as an official solicitation, endorsement, or recommendation to buy or sell any financial products or services offered by Moneywalle or its affiliates unless otherwise specified in these Terms. We are grateful that you are aware of our content restrictions.
  • Implementation and Repercussions:- To maintain a secure and productive environment for all users, Moneywalle maintains the right to impose these usage policies and limitations. Moneywalle reserves the right to take necessary measures, such as but not limited to:
  • Warning: Make a note of the particular infraction.
  • Temporary Suspension: This option allows you to temporarily stop using the platform and its services.
  • Permanent Ban: Prevents you from using the platform and its services indefinitely.
  • Permanent Ban: Prevents you from using the platform and its services indefinitely.
  • Legal Action: If required, take legal action to safeguard Moneywalle users' safety and legal rights.
  • Notifying Violations:- Should you come across any infractions of these principles, kindly notify Moneywalle right away. All concerns are taken seriously, and any claims of wrongdoing or abuse will be looked upon. Your assistance enables us to keep our environment safe and polite for all users.
  • Security and Privacy of Data:- Moneywalle is dedicated to safeguarding your data's security and privacy. To prevent unauthorized access, use, or disclosure of your information, we implement strong security measures. You accept our data collecting and privacy policies as stated in our Privacy Policy by using our platform.


  • Rights to Intellectual Property:- You understand that Moneywalle is the only owner of all rights to the platform, services, brands, trade names, trademarks, and designs. This covers complete possession, authority, and interest in the associated intellectual property. Other companies' trademarks, service marks, and logos might also be present on the site. It is completely forbidden to use these trademarks, service marks, or logos without authorization. Unauthorized use may have legal repercussions. It is important to realize that nothing in these conditions gives you or any other party ownership rights over the platform. Moneywalle is still the owner and retains all rights and titles. But, as long as your account is open with Moneywalle, you are welcome to utilize its services. We appreciate you upholding these rights to intellectual property.
  • Related Websites:- Links to external websites sometimes referred to as "Linked Websites," that are run separately by third parties and not a part of the Moneywalle network may be offered by the Moneywalle platform. Moneywalle explicitly disclaims any liability for the veracity of the content on these websites that are linked, including any links found within them. These connected websites' content is subject to change without prior notice at any moment. Moneywalle does not guarantee or make any guarantees about the authenticity of the content found on outside websites. Please note that while these links are offered for your convenience, Moneywalle does not necessarily endorse the websites that are connected. You assume full responsibility for any correspondence and interactions you have with the linked websites. When visiting and utilizing connected websites, users accept full responsibility for their activities. Moneywalle disclaims any obligation for any talks or transactions that take place on linked websites because it is not a party to those discussions or transactions. We are grateful that you recognize these factors.
  • Advertisements from Third Parties:- There could be outside adverts on the Moneywalle platform. These adverts do not, however, indicate that Moneywalle has approved or promoted the advertiser, their goods, or services. It is best to get in touch with each advertiser directly for more information about their ads and any related goods or services. Any duty or responsibility for any problems that may result from your interactions with these third parties is disclaimed by Moneywalle. You engage with third-party advertising at your own risk, and Moneywalle disclaims all liability for any consequences that may arise.
  • Observing Private Property Rights: - Preserving intellectual property rights is essential to keeping the Moneywalle platform's integrity intact. Any unauthorized use, replication, reproduction, or exploitation of the platform or any of its services is forbidden. Intellectual property such as trademarks, service marks, logos, and any content that is owned by Moneywalle or other organizations that are featured on the platform are included in this, but they are not the only ones.


  • Extra Platform Functionalities:- A variety of other services are available on Moneywalle, such as blogs, chat rooms, reviews, comments, and other features. Moneywalle may offer these services directly or through our affiliated businesses. Using our services for unlawful purposes, such as making threats, abusing someone, harassing them, stalking them, defaming them, or inciting racial discrimination, is prohibited. It is strictly forbidden to engage in any activity that breaks the law or infringes on the privacy of another individual.
  • Professional Views and Suggestions:- Please be advised that the platform may contain recommendations, opinions, and observations from different professionals, analysts, and specialists. Nevertheless, Moneywalle does not endorse or warrant the accuracy or dependability of any such suggestions, conclusions, discoveries, claims, or information. You must independently evaluate the suitability and veracity of any goods, claims, viewpoints, recommendations, or information that you come across on the platform.
  • No Expert Guidance:- Furthermore, it should be noted that no material or service on the site should be construed as providing expert legal, accounting, tax, financial, or investment advice. There are no recommendations or particular advice provided by the platform. The platform's content is subject to change, revision, removal, or amendment at any moment, and Moneywalle disclaims all liability for any losses or claims resulting from such modifications.
  • No Approving of Deeds:- It is important to realize that nothing on the platform should be interpreted as supporting a certain solution or course of action. Moneywalle makes no explicit or implicit warranties or guarantees that utilizing any products or methods recommended on the site won't infringe upon any patents or other rights. We genuinely hope you are aware of these rules. You consent to abide by these conditions and carry out your actions responsibly and lawfully by using the Moneywalle platform and services. We appreciate you selecting Moneywalle. Should you require any additional help or have any questions, please get in touch with us at [Contact Information].
  • Termination:- Moneywalle reserves the right to terminate any of the following:
    • Non-Compliance: If any of the terms outlined in these contracts are disregarded.
    • Legal Obligations: If Moneywalle is subject to any laws, what are they?
    • Service Termination: If Moneywalle chooses to disable the platform or cease providing services.
    • Licensing Expiration: The date on which the website license expires.
    • Unsettled Obligations: To settle any outstanding debts. The conditions under which Moneywalle may consider terminating are governed by these provisions. We appreciate you recognizing that we comprehend these words.

Moneywalle may keep an eye on your activities after these terms expire as long as you complete all of your responsibilities, which includes paying off any outstanding debts. When these terms expire, you must stop using the platform and its services right once. You also renounce any licenses and rights that you may have been given. Additionally, all outstanding bills must be paid right away.Please keep in mind that you are still responsible for any outstanding payments even after the agreement expires. We hope you are familiar with these words.You accept these termination terms by using the Moneywalle platform and services. Should you require any additional help or have any questions, please get in touch with us at [Contact Information].


You are aware that there is no danger associated with using the Moneywalle Platform or its services. We make our platform and services available "as is" and "as available." We hereby explicitly disclaim any implied warranties and guarantees, including but not limited to merchantability, suitability for a specific purpose, and non-infringement.

You use the platform at your own risk while downloading and accessing content, and you're in charge of any potential computer system damage or loss of electronic data. Except as expressly provided in these Terms, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, either express or implied, regarding the dependability, accuracy, or completeness of any advice or information gained from our business, services, or otherwise.

You must report any exploitation and make sure the platform and its services are used responsibly. Our platform and services are only meant to be used for private, non-commercial purposes. For any losses arising from the use of our services that are not specifically covered by these Terms, our firm disclaims all duty.

  • The platform's or services' appropriateness for your particular needs.
  • The content's appropriateness, including its timeliness, accuracy, accessibility, or security.
  • The accuracy or dependability of the results the platform or services provide.

We are grateful that you are aware of these terms. You agree to accept these warranty conditions by using the Moneywalle platform and services. Kindly get in touch with us at [Contact Information] if you have any inquiries or need further information. We appreciate you selecting Moneywalle.


By accepting these terms, you undertake to defend Moneywalle, our associates, officers, agents, co-branders, employees, and partners against any claims or demands made by other parties, including any legal fees associated with doing so.

Any claims or demands resulting from your use or misuse of the Moneywalle Platform or Services, your breach of these conditions, your infringement on other users' rights, your illegal activity, or any combination of these actions are covered by this indemnification. Accepting these conditions releases our business and its connected parties from any demands or claims resulting from your deeds or inactions, including the cost of defending against such claims, including attorney fees. We truly value your comprehension of these terms.

You accept these indemnification terms by using the Moneywalle platform and services. Please contact us at [Contact Information] if you have any questions or require more information. We appreciate you selecting Moneywalle.


You acknowledge and agree that, even if Moneywalle, its officers, employees, agents, or service providers are aware that harm could occur, they will not be held accountable for any damages. These losses could result from:

  • Making use of Moneywalle services or not being able to.
  • Prolonged hold-ups in platform accessibility or service delivery.
  • The quality—or lack thereof—of the offered services.
  • Any damage brought on by using the platform to view or download material to your computer or other electronic devices.
  • Problems relating to servers or other aspects of the service.

It's crucial to be aware of these clauses, and we appreciate your comprehension of this disclaimer. You understand and agree that Moneywalle will not be liable for any damages to the maximum degree allowed by applicable law. The company shall not be held responsible for any loss, shortfall, or disruption of platform-related operations resulting from circumstances outside of its reasonable control. Unforeseen events, equipment or telecommunications service failures, riots, storms, civil disturbances, power outages, floods, and regulation changes by the Reserve Bank of India or other governmental bodies are examples of such circumstances.


Protecting our esteemed clients' privacy and security is our top priority at Moneywalle. To efficiently provide our services, we gather, handle, and organize personal information. We have created a robust privacy policy to fully address your worries. By clicking on the following link, you are welcome to check our extensive privacy statement: [Privacy Statement Link]. This page offers a thorough summary of our security and privacy policies and procedures. We sincerely appreciate your understanding.


At our sole discretion and without prior notice, Moneywalle reserves the right to alter, add to, suspend, or take other actions about these Terms and related materials. Any changes will be quickly communicated to users via website updates. You accept the amended terms by using the services or platform after they have been modified. It is advised that you periodically examine the terms to be aware of any modifications or changes. We are very grateful for your aggressive approach.


Moneywalle retains the right, at our sole discretion and without prior notice, to alter, amend, remove, suspend, or change these Terms and any connected content. If anything changes, we will promptly tell our users by posting the updated terms on our website. You accept the revised terms if you keep using our services or platform after these changes. We encourage you to constantly examine the conditions and keep up with any adjustments or modifications to actively connect with us. Your proactive involvement is much appreciated.


It's critical to realize that your connection with Moneywalle is entirely governed by the terms of the service agreement, which includes the loan agreement and privacy statement.

  • Protection of Rights:- All of the rights and clauses stated in these agreements are reserved by Moneywalle.
  • Timeline for Claims:- You understand and agree that any claims or legal proceedings resulting from your acceptance of these terms or your use of our services must be brought within a year of the incident. They will be fired permanently if they don't comply.
  • Severability:- The court will attempt to uphold the parties' intentions as stated in this section if any part of these terms is determined to be invalid. The remainder of the terms and conditions will remain enforceable and effective.


It is expressly forbidden under our Terms and Conditions to create numerous customer accounts using different email addresses, devices, or addresses to fraudulently gain referral discounts.


Within legal bounds, participants provide permission for the unlimited use of their name, hometown, state, likeness, and/or voice for marketing and promotional purposes.